Employees working at Nichinan Seiki
Hello, This Nichinan Seiki. For this blog, we conducted in-house interviews with employees working in the manufacturing department of the assembly plant, the processing department of the main factory, and the accounting department of the head office. We asked them to talk about their unique approach to work, their goals, and their impressions of the company. “Technology improvement is my reward”Yoshiaki Komatsu, Mechanical Metal Working Division I joined Nichinan Seiki in my twenties and have been working there for 20 years. I don’t remember why I joined the company because it was too long ago, but I think it was a job magazine (laughs). Until then, I was working as a mechanic in a car-related job, but I decided to join the company because I wanted to work in the manufacturing industry. Looking back over the past 20 years, I feel that we have become able to manufacture relatively high-precision machines. Also, since I...